Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group (DRIG)
The purpose of the Radiology Interest Group at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix is to expose students to the field of diagnostic radiological medicine. To this end, the Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group hopes to host events that allow UACOM-P students to talk to physicians in the field, practice image analysis and learn how to integrate and correlate radiological findings with clinical information and other diagnostic data to ultimately provide better care for patients.
DRIG is open to all students interested in the field of radiology and does not exclude or deny participation of any individual based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, disability, or religion.
Class of 2028 Student Leadership:
Annabel Kim
Alex Gilchrist
Ryven Mangundayao
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Eric vanSonnenberg, MD
Learning Radiology Like a Radiologist: Neuroradiology – March 3rd, 2022
Learning Radiology Like a Radiologist: Abdominal Imaging – August 11th, 2022
Previous Leadership:
Easton Neitzel (eneitzel@arizona.edu)
Theresa Riley (theresariley@arizona.edu)
Joshua Willis (joshuawillis@arizona.edu)
Associated Websites:
American College of Radiology: https://www.acr.org/
The American Board of Radiology: http://www.theabr.org/
Radiology Resource: https://radiopaedia.org/?lang=us