Surgery Interest Group (SIG)
Surgery Interest Group (S.I.G)
Our Mission:
The mission of Surgery Interest Group (SIG) is to promote student exposure to and participation in the multifaceted field of general surgery and surgical subspecialties. In order to accomplish this mission, SIG plans a variety of experiences throughout the year including, but not limited to: lunch presentations by physicians in various surgical sub-specialties, shadowing opportunities during surgeries and grand rounds, and suture and knot-tying clinics to prepare students for surgical rotations during the third year. In addition to being the largest student group on campus, SIG also serves as the primary link between the student body and the SIM Center on the 4th floor of HSEB. Furthermore SIG sponsors educational workshops using state-of-the-art simulation equipment to prepare students for surgical rotations.
If you are interested in general surgery or surgical subspecialties, do not hesitate to contact the organization leadership to become more involved and find opportunities!
Club Leaders & Faculty Advisor
Club Leader
Club Leader
Club Leader
Previous Club Leaders Contact Information:
Jason Cusimano - he/him
Haley Kenner - she/her
Rachel Reichenbach "R" - she/her
Alexander Meraz - he/him
Nikhil Bhardwaja "Nik" - he/him
Past Events
The 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting for the Arizona Chapter of the American College of Surgeons
Past Breakfast/Coffee with a Surgeon Events:
Guest: Dr. Fashid Sadeghi - Urology
Guest: Dr. Nathan Page - Pediatric Otolaryngology (ENT)
Guest: Dr. Mido Mirza - Pediatric Surgery
Scrubbing Clinic/Suturing Clinic:
Guest: Dr. Ara J. Feinstein
Guest: BUMC Residents
Lunch Talks:
Guest: Dr. Ara J. Feinstein - Trauma Surgery
Guest: Dr. Stanley C. Graves - Orthopedic Surgery
BUMC-PHX Grand Rounds:
Dr. David King - Trauma Surgery
Title: 26.2 Lessons Learned from the Boston Marathon Bombing
Maricopa Grand Rounds:
Dr. Ramin Jamshidi - Pediatric Surgery
Title: Esophageal Atresia
Surgery Residency Panel
Dr. Steven Johnson - Program Director of Phoenix Integrated Surgical Residency
MS4s matched in surgery
Surgery Resources
So you want to be a surgeon? (American College of Surgeons)
Section II. How to Find a Surgical Residency
Section III. Surgical Specialties
Arizona Surgical Residencies:
Phoenix Integrated Surgical Residency (PISR) - BUMC Phoenix
Surgical Societies and Professional Development:
American College of Surgeons Official Page
Arizona College of Surgeons Official Page
Keep current with the literature (free access):
JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Subspecialty-specific Sites:
Headmirror - Great resource for folks interested in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery
Orthobullets - For the aspiring Orthopedic surgeons, good resource for rotations
UrologyMatch - For aspiring Urologists, resources for prepping for match